Simplify the networking with VPC Lattice
I started writing this on April 7th, 2023, a few weeks after the release of VPC Lattice (although it's not yet available everywhere). I was curious about what it is and what it's supposed to do, so I asked ChatGPT.
As there isn't much information available yet, I'll rely on the official documentation for now.
According to the documentation, "Amazon VPC Lattice is a fully managed application networking service that you use to connect, secure, and monitor all of your services across multiple accounts and virtual private clouds (VPCs)."
In other words, it allows you to use AWS as one big and complex Kubernetes cluster, while still using separate solutions as services across VPCs. It was likely created to simplify networking management and make administrators' lives easier. It allows for grouping VPCs into logical ServiceNetworks.
Let's check it now then!
![]() |
For now we need to rely on documentation |
Tools used in this episode
- Python
- CloudFormation(again!)
- EC2
Choosing the right infrastructure-as-code tool for VPC Lattice
As an additional note, I wanted to use Terraform today, but unfortunately, when we compare the documentation for Lattice, CloudFormation seems more prepared:
Note that this is a relatively new service, so the situation may change in the coming weeks.
Key concepts
Here are some key concepts related to VPC Lattice:
Service - A set of objects (such as EC2 instances or ECS tasks) that act as one logical object. Importantly, it's an independent solution, so it can be handled by a dedicated team and has logical boundaries.
Target group - A logical representation of our compute resources.
Listener - A process that checks for the possibility to connect with our resources.
Rule - A rule of routing attached to a listener.
Service network - In my understanding, this is an abstraction on top of VPCs, as it allows us to associate resources in different VPCs.
Service directory - A service discovery solution for all VPC Lattice resources.
Auth policies - Authorization policies for services inside VPC Lattice.
![]() |
As my personal interpretation |
Project architecture
As you probably know, I like whole solution, or just working examples. So here as always I will try to build something usable. The plan is to have:
- EC2 with Nginx in VPC 1, private subnet with NAT gateway
- ECS sample app in VPC 2, without public LB(internal)
- VPC Lattice Service
- static credentials should be replaced - OICD config for GitHub Action
![]() |
Implemented solution |
In the beginning, let's focus on location. I started with eu-central-1
, however after the first deployment I realized that the service it's unavailable in Europe yet, so I switched to us-east-1
After that, I just implemented a sample EC2-based template, next in the row was the ECS-based template. As CloudFormation commands were getting longer and longer I added a Makefile
1default: validate
3REGION := "us-east-1"
6 @echo "Validating CloudFormation templates"
7 cfn-lint ec2-formation.yaml
8 cfn-lint ecs-formation.yaml
12 aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name lattice-ec2 --region $(REGION)
15 aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name lattice-ecs --region $(REGION)
18 aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name lattice-itself --region $(REGION)
21 cfn-lint ec2-formation.yaml
22 aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name lattice-ec2 --template-file ec2-formation.yaml --region $(REGION) --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
25 cfn-lint ecs-formation.yaml
26 aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name lattice-ecs --template-file ecs-formation.yaml --region $(REGION) --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
29 cfn-lint ecs-formation.yaml
30 aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name lattice-ecs --template-file ecs-formation.yaml --region $(REGION) --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides HCPath=/healtz
33 aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name lattice-itself --template-file lattice-formation.yaml --region $(REGION) --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
35build: validate ec2 ecs lattice
37clean: clean-ec2 clean-ecs clean-lattice
As you can see there is no linting on the Lattice template. The reason was simple, support it's not ready yet. Some types are broken, also the lack of general availability is painful.
Then I added a small FastAPI code, for building container images with REST API. That leads us to CI/CD and GitHub Action. Obviously, the next step was OICD support implementation. If you are interested in topic, I can recommend some documentation:
- about-security-hardening-with-openid-connect
- configuring-openid-connect-in-amazon-web-services
- id_roles_providers_create_oidc
- d_roles_create_for-idp_oidc
If you're lazy, here is my code:
1 GitHubOIDC:
2 Type: AWS::IAM::OIDCProvider
3 Properties:
4 Url:
5 ThumbprintList:
6 - f879abce0008e4eb126e0097e46620f5aaae26ad # valid until 2023-11-07 23:59:59
7 ClientIdList:
8 -
9 Tags:
10 - Key: Env
11 Value: !Ref EnvironmentName
13 OIDCRole:
14 Type: AWS::IAM::Role
15 Properties:
16 RoleName: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-GitHub-to-${ServiceName}-role"
17 AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
18 Version: "2012-10-17"
19 Statement:
20 - Effect: Allow
21 Principal:
22 Federated: !Ref GitHubOIDC
23 Action: sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
24 Condition:
25 ForAnyValue:StringEquals:
27 - !Sub "repo:${OrgName}/${RepoName}:ref:refs/heads/main"
28 - !Sub "repo:${OrgName}/${RepoName}:ref:refs/heads/dev"
30 ManagedPolicyArns:
31 - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser"
32 Tags:
33 - Key: Env
34 Value: !Ref EnvironmentName
At the beginning take a look at ThumbprintList
. It's a bit dynamic variable, based on the sha1 of the GitHub certificate. You can calculate it relatively easily according to this article. The next important thing is the policy's condition. Especially
, which should be pointed to the right repository and branch - you can use ForAnyValue
Seems easy right? Great. Now you need to obtain, OIDCRole's ARN and paste it into GitHub Action secret tab. The simple action workflow could look like that:
1name: Building my awesome docker image
2run-name: ${{ }} on GitHub Actions 🚀
3on: push
6 AWS_REGION: "us-east-1"
9 id-token: write
10 contents: read
13 Build-FastAPI-docker:
14 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
15 steps:
16 - name: Checkout
17 uses: actions/checkout@v3
18 - name: configure aws credentials
19 uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
20 with:
21 role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
22 aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}
24 - name: Login to Amazon ECR
25 id: login-ecr
26 uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1
28 - name: Build, tag, and push docker image to Amazon ECR
29 env:
30 REGISTRY: ${{ steps.login-ecr.outputs.registry }}
31 REPOSITORY: fastapi-repository
32 IMAGE_TAG: ${{ github.sha }}
33 run: |
34 docker build -t $REGISTRY/$REPOSITORY:$IMAGE_TAG ./ecs-api/
37 docker push $REGISTRY/$REPOSITORY:latest
After that, I started the main point of the article - VPC Lattice landscape. Implementation was funny, as It's not a part of the Dash doc set yet, I was forced to use web docs! And that was the place were the fun began. For example:
1Resource handler returned message: "ALB Target Group does not support health check config (Service:
Or information about usable AWS::VpcLattice::TargetGroup
, Types
was under Target
, as part of ID
description. Pure joy! Ah and only Internal ALB is supported, you can't connect internal-facing, but you can connect IP of any solution in the whole universe. So the final implementation was long and rather not exciting:
1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
2Description: Run CFn Lattice itself
5 EC2TargetGroup:
6 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::TargetGroup
7 Properties:
8 Name: ec2-lattice-tg
10 Config:
11 HealthCheck:
12 Enabled: true
13 Path: "/"
14 Port: 80
15 Protocol: HTTP
16 Matcher:
17 HttpCode: "200"
18 Port: 80
19 Protocol: HTTP
20 ProtocolVersion: HTTP1
21 VpcIdentifier: !ImportValue ec2-vpc
22 Targets:
23 - Id: !ImportValue ec2-instanceid
24 Port: 80
26 Tags:
27 - Key: Owner
28 Value: kuba
29 - Key: Project
30 Value: blogpost
32 ECSTargetGroup:
33 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::TargetGroup
34 Properties:
35 Name: ecs-lattice-tg
37 Type: ALB
38 Config:
39 # HC not supported for ALB
40 #HealthCheck:
41 # Enabled: true
42 # Path: "/"
43 # Port: 80
44 # Protocol: HTTP
45 # Matcher:
46 # HttpCode: "200"
47 Port: 80
48 Protocol: HTTP
49 ProtocolVersion: HTTP1
50 VpcIdentifier: !ImportValue ecs-vpc
51 Targets:
52 - Id: !ImportValue ecs-alb-arn
53 Port: 80
55 Tags:
56 - Key: Owner
57 Value: kuba
58 - Key: Project
59 Value: blogpost
61 GeneralListener:
62 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::Listener
63 Properties:
64 Name: ec2-80
65 Port: 80
66 Protocol: HTTP
67 ServiceIdentifier: !Ref Service
68 DefaultAction:
69 Forward:
70 TargetGroups:
71 - TargetGroupIdentifier: !Ref EC2TargetGroup
72 Weight: 10
73 - TargetGroupIdentifier: !Ref ECSTargetGroup
74 Weight: 10
75 Tags:
76 - Key: Owner
77 Value: kuba
78 - Key: Project
79 Value: blogpost
81 ECSGeneralSecurityGroup:
82 Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
83 Properties:
84 GroupDescription: lattice-ecs-too-open-security-group
85 VpcId: !ImportValue ecs-vpc
86 SecurityGroupIngress:
87 - IpProtocol: tcp
88 FromPort: 80
89 ToPort: 80
90 CidrIp: !ImportValue ecs-vpc-cidr
91 Tags:
92 - Key: Owner
93 Value: kuba
94 - Key: Project
95 Value: blogpost
97 EC2GeneralSecurityGroup:
98 Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
99 Properties:
100 GroupDescription: lattice-ecs-too-open-security-group
101 VpcId: !ImportValue ec2-vpc
102 SecurityGroupIngress:
103 - IpProtocol: tcp
104 FromPort: 80
105 ToPort: 80
106 CidrIp: !ImportValue ec2-vpc-cidr
107 Tags:
108 - Key: Owner
109 Value: kuba
110 - Key: Project
111 Value: blogpost
113 ECSVpcAssocination:
114 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkVpcAssociation
115 Properties:
116 SecurityGroupIds: [!Ref ECSGeneralSecurityGroup]
117 ServiceNetworkIdentifier: !Ref LatticeServiceNetwork
118 VpcIdentifier: !ImportValue ecs-vpc
119 Tags:
120 - Key: Owner
121 Value: kuba
122 - Key: Project
123 Value: blogpost
125 EC2VpcAssocination:
126 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkVpcAssociation
127 Properties:
128 SecurityGroupIds: [!Ref EC2GeneralSecurityGroup]
129 ServiceNetworkIdentifier: !Ref LatticeServiceNetwork
130 VpcIdentifier: !ImportValue ec2-vpc
131 Tags:
132 - Key: Owner
133 Value: kuba
134 - Key: Project
135 Value: blogpost
137 LatticeServiceNetwork:
138 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetwork
139 Properties:
140 AuthType: NONE
141 Name: awesome-service-network
142 Tags:
143 - Key: Owner
144 Value: kuba
145 - Key: Project
146 Value: blogpost
148 Service:
149 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::Service
150 Properties:
151 AuthType: NONE
152 Name: awesome-service
153 Tags:
154 - Key: Owner
155 Value: kuba
156 - Key: Project
157 Value: blogpost
159 ServiceNetworkAssocination:
160 Type: AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkServiceAssociation
161 Properties:
162 ServiceIdentifier: !Ref Service
163 ServiceNetworkIdentifier: !Ref LatticeServiceNetwork
164 Tags:
165 - Key: Owner
166 Value: kuba
167 - Key: Project
168 Value: blogpost
As you can see, we need TargetGroup
for Listener
, which needs to be linked with Service
. Service
needs to be connected with ServiceNetwork
. ServiceNetwork
needs an association
with VPC
, and SecurityGroup
in some way.
After implementation, I was able to execute the flow:
1make build
2git push -f # image building
3make ecs-fastapi
Next, I just get the service DNS entry, and with that, in the clipboard, I started the SSM session with my standalone instance. The result was as expected:
1root@ip-10-192-20-222 bin]# curl -si | grep content-type
2content-type: text/html
3[root@ip-10-192-20-222 bin]# curl -si | grep content-type
4content-type: application/json
5[root@ip-10-192-20-222 bin]# curl -si | grep content-type
6content-type: application/json
7[root@ip-10-192-20-222 bin]# curl -si | grep content-type
8content-type: text/html
I was able to hit the service endpoint and received two independent responses from two different sources(FastAPI responded with JSON, and Nginx with HTML). Yay!
AWS Lattice presents some exciting possibilities for programmers in the networking area. As I dived into the implementation of services, I gained confidence that its MESH-alike solution, heavily inspired Kubernetes' approach to services.
Additionally, Lattice's networking capabilities offer an excellent opportunity for developers to explore distributed systems and service-oriented architecture. With VPC Lattice, developers can build complex networking applications that enable real-time communication between different services, which is critical in building scalable and robust applications. Especially with distributed teams.
I'm waiting for wide service availability and documentation quality improvement. However, even with the current state, I was able to implement a working solution, so it's not such bad. Also, use OIDC with your pipeline always when it's possible! It's easy, fast, and secure. Reduce credentials leak is always a good thing.
As always you can find my code here: