Meetings on demand
Yesterday I decided to solve another, probably non-existent problem. So for quite a long time, I was looking for a solution that would allow me to schedule meetings with friends, family, and clients (the custom domain looks very professional). Most of them are paid every month. Which in my case is not a very cost-effective solution, if I have one meeting per month, sometimes two. Also let's assume, that being an AI learning material for Google, or Zoom isn't my dream position.
Suddenly, I realized that I could use Jitsi, and then self-host it. The problem was that I was looking for an on-demand solution. So I took the official docker image and rewritten it into ECS, which should just work.
Also, I'd like to apologize to everyone, who is waiting for part two of setting up Keycloak, or EDA use cases. Someday I will deliver it, just more time is needed. Additionally, during the last month, I received a lot of emails about challenges related to setting up the best open-source SSO solution on ECS. That means, that my article was needed, and at least few people read it. That's cool!
Ok, so let's start with Jitsi. What is it?
Jitsi Meet is a set of Open Source projects which empower users to use and deploy video conferencing platforms with state-of-the-art video quality and features.
As you see it's open-source software on Apache-2.0 license.
Services list
As you can see, the post structure is very similar to latest one. However today instead of a database we need CloudMap.
- ECS(Fargate)
- AWS Application Load Balancer
- AWS CloudMap
- Route53 for domain management
Ok, good. Finally, we will deploy something different right?
Not really, but the use case is super useful!
As always it could be simpler, and more elegant, but it does the job. So as a main point, we have tree files.
1❯ tree src
3├── base.ts
4├── jitsi.ts
5└── main.ts
Based on my splitting approach, I have a dedicated stack for
more static resources(and cheap), so we can keep them forever(let’s say).
Then we have a file dedicated to our Jitsi ECS stack, at the end
you can see the control file aka src/main.ts
with needed variables like account ID,
Region, container version, and your domain name. The content of mentioned file is:
1import { App, Tags } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
2import { BaseStack } from './base';
3import { JitsiStack } from './jitsi';
5const devEnv = {
6 account: '471112990549',
7 region: 'eu-central-1',
10const DOMAIN_NAME: string = '';
11const JITSI_IMAGE_VERSION: string = 'stable-9584-1';
13const app = new App();
14const base = new BaseStack(app, 'jitsi-baseline', {
15 env: devEnv,
16 stackName: 'jitsi-baseline',
17 domainName: DOMAIN_NAME,
20new JitsiStack(app, 'jitsi-instance',
21 {
22 env: devEnv,
23 stackName: 'jitsi-instnace',
24 sg: base.privateSecurityGroup,
25 listener: base.listener,
26 ecsCluster: base.ecsCluster,
27 namespace: base.namespace,
28 domainName: DOMAIN_NAME,
29 // images version
30 jitsiImageVersion: JITSI_IMAGE_VERSION,
31 },
34Tags.of(app).add('description', 'Jitsi Temporary Instance');
This is up to you, however, I decided to use a separate dedicated VPC with
two AZs - ALB requirement. Additionally, I’m using two types of subnets:
Then we have, ALB, Route53 assignment, security groups, ECS Cluster, and
a new interesting object namespace
. What do I need this for? Let's dive into
docker-compose for a while.
That's my docker-compose for Actual app, which IMO is a great app for personal budgeting if you're living in the EU.
1name: actual
3 actual_server:
4 container_name: actual
5 image:
6 expose:
7 - 5006
8 volumes:
9 - data:/data
10 networks:
11 - proxy
12 restart: unless-stopped
15 proxy:
16 name: proxy
17 external: true
20 data:
21 external: true
22 name: actual_data
As you can see we have a construct called networks
, in the above case
it is the default bridge
type of network with the name proxy
and annotation
which means that a resource is controlled outside the stack.
Mostly is used to connect services between or inside the stack.
And we have the same in Jitsi's original docker-compose file.
2 networks:
3 meet.jitsi:
5# Custom network so all services can communicate using a FQDN
7 meet.jitsi:
Now let's back to the AWS-native landscape. ECS does not support networking
in the same way, as docker. To solve that, issue we need to make a private DNS entry
pointed to the prosody
container and resolved it by the
Sounds complex, right? Fortunately, there is a service called
AWS Cloud Map.
AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery service. With Cloud Map, you can define custom names for your application resources, and it maintains the updated location of these dynamically changing resources.
How to use it? It's simpler, than you could think!
- First define a namespace
1const namespace = new servicediscovery.PrivateDnsNamespace(this, 'Namespace', {
2 name: 'meet.jitsi',
3 vpc
- Define the cloud option inside your
1const ecsService = new ecs.FargateService(this, 'EcsService', {
2 cluster: cluster,
3 taskDefinition: ecsTaskDefinition,
4 vpcSubnets: {
5 subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS
6 },
7 securityGroups: [securityGroup],
8 cloudMapOptions: {
9 name: 'xmpp',
10 container: prosody,
11 cloudMapNamespace: namespace,
12 dnsRecordType: servicediscovery.DnsRecordType.A
13 }
Then all your containers, and other services in VPC will be able to call
container by simple
FQDN! Which is not always a
good thing, which seems to be a good reason for using dedicated VPC.
As we have structure, and networking, we need to add containers. In our case it is
very simple. To our FargateTaskDefinition
1const ecsTaskDefinition = new ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(this, 'TaskDefinition', {
2 memoryLimitMiB: 8192,
3 cpu: 4096,
4 runtimePlatform: {
5 operatingSystemFamily: ecs.OperatingSystemFamily.LINUX,
6 cpuArchitecture: ecs.CpuArchitecture.X86_64
7 }
we are simply adding four containers web
, jicofo
, jvb
, prosody
just like shown below:
1ecsTaskDefinition.addContainer('web', {
2 image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromRegistry('' + jitsiImageVersion),
3 environment: {
4 TZ: 'Europe/Warsaw',
5 PUBLIC_URL: 'https://meet.' + theDomainName
6 },
7 portMappings: [
8 {
9 containerPort: 80,
10 protocol: ecs.Protocol.TCP
11 }
12 ],
13 logging: new ecs.AwsLogDriver(
14 {
15 streamPrefix: this.stackName + '-web'
16 }
17 )
If you decided to go through my source code, you could spot two additional points.
- Secrets are simplified
That was done on purpose. Even in public repo, you will see:
1let JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD: string = '2dAZl8Jkeg5cKT/rbJDZcslGCWt1cA3NnF4QqkFFATY=';
2let JVB_AUTH_PASSWORD: string = 'Tph1fJEdU6lFY8aTNPz4EpI5iewQXl+Ot17IeGCmvBs=';
The reason is the ephemeral nature of service and build time. AWS SecretManager takes more time to generate and after that to destroy. Here, for my production environment I can just change those strings a bit, and be safe enough during my 1h call, or even a bit longer according to this link.
![]() |
- Images are using
1image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromRegistry('' + jitsiImageVersion),
Due to testing and spanning multiple times containers,
it was very easy to be bothered with the Docker Hub rate limit.
As a lazy person, I just created a bash script to migrate everything
To free, no limited
3# Define the container version as a variable
6# Define an array of images
7IMAGES=("web" "prosody" "jvb" "jicofo")
9# Check if skopeo is installed
10if ! command -v skopeo &> /dev/null
12 echo "skopeo could not be found, please install it first."
13 exit 1
16# Function to copy image from Docker Hub to Quay
17copy_image() {
18 local IMAGE_NAME=$1
22 # Copy the image using skopeo
23 skopeo copy docker://$DOCKERHUB_IMAGE docker://$QUAY_IMAGE
25 # Check if the skopeo command was successful
26 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
27 echo "Image $IMAGE_NAME:$CONTAINER_VERSION successfully copied from Docker Hub to Quay."
28 else
29 echo "Failed to copy image $IMAGE_NAME:$CONTAINER_VERSION from Docker Hub to Quay."
30 fi
33# Iterate over the images and copy each one
34for IMAGE in "${IMAGES[@]}"
36 copy_image $IMAGE
![]() |
As you can see, I'm hosting my meeting platform with the usage of open-source software, AWS, and a bit of code. The solution is rather cheap, not tested against very big meetings, but stable enough to talk with the wife or friend during summertime. There is no risk of being recorded, or dependent of Google account ownership. With that in mind, I'm going to finish overdue articles... or maybe self-host Ollama at home and replace ChatGPT. Who knows?
Ah and to be fully open, the source code could be found on GitHub.