edb-deployer for normal people


Some time ago I saw an interesting tool called edb-deployer. If You have no idea what EDB stands for it's Enterprise version of Postgresql. I'm not a sell person, so for me, it's just another company which making money around OSS - and that is good. However, I would like to tal... write about this small CLI tool. It could be very helpful for the migration to cloud PoC toolbox. Sounds good? Wait for the rest of the article.


edb-deployer is a tool written in Python, which can help you build infrastructure and configure EDB's applications on a selected cloud environment. Maybe not selected, we have 3 options right now: GCP, AWS, and Azure. In simple words, it's a wrapper around Terraform and Ansible.

Getting started

The configuration and installation process is simple and fast. The only thing we need is python. All tools like gcloud-cli, aws-cli, ansible, terraform will be installed and placed in a certain directory on the filesystem. Easy. If you're interested in shell commands README is good enough.

First run

Ok, so we have a working tool. We can type edb-deployment gcloud configure -h and we get fantastic manual about working on GCP.

 1usage: edb-deployment gcloud configure [-h] [-a <ref-arch-code>] -u "<username>:<password>" [-o <operating-system>] [-t <postgres-engine-type>] [-v <postgres-version>] [-e <efm-version>] [-k <ssh-public-key-file>]
 2                                       [-K <ssh-private-key-file>] [-r <cloud-region>] [-s <gcloud-spec-file>] [-c <gcloud-credentials-json-file>] -p <gcloud-project-id>
 3                                       <project-name>
 5positional arguments:
 6  <project-name>        Terraform project name
 8optional arguments:
 9  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
10  -a <ref-arch-code>, --reference-architecture <ref-arch-code>
11                        Reference architecture code name. Allowed values are: EDB-RA-1 for a single Postgres node deployment with one backup server and one PEM monitoring server, EDB-RA-2 for a 3 Postgres nodes deployment with quorum
12                        base synchronous replication and automatic failover, one backup server and one PEM monitoring server, and EDB-RA-3 for extending EDB-RA-2 with 3 PgPoolII nodes. Default: EDB-RA-1
13  -u "<username>:<password>", --edb-credentials "<username>:<password>"
14                        EDB Packages repository credentials.
15  -o <operating-system>, --os <operating-system>
16                        Operating system. Allowed values are: CentOS7, CentOS8, RedHat7 and RedHat8. Default: CentOS8
17  -t <postgres-engine-type>, --pg-type <postgres-engine-type>
18                        Postgres engine type. Allowed values are: PG for PostgreSQL, EPAS for EDB Postgres Advanced Server. Default: PG
19  -v <postgres-version>, --pg-version <postgres-version>
20                        PostgreSQL or EPAS version. Allowed values are: 11, 12 and 13. Default: 13
21  -e <efm-version>, --efm-version <efm-version>
22                        EDB Failover Manager version. Allowed values are: 3.10, 4.0 and 4.1. Default: 4.1
23  -k <ssh-public-key-file>, --ssh-pub-key <ssh-public-key-file>
24                        SSH public key path to use. Default: /home/3sky/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
25  -K <ssh-private-key-file>, --ssh-private-key <ssh-private-key-file>
26                        SSH private key path to use. Default: /home/3sky/.ssh/id_rsa
27  -r <cloud-region>, --gcloud-region <cloud-region>
28                        GCloud region. Allowed values are us-central1, us-east1, us-east4, us-west1, us-west2, us-west3 and us-west4. Default: us-east1
29  -s <gcloud-spec-file>, --spec <gcloud-spec-file>
30                        GCloud instances specification file, in JSON.
31  -c <gcloud-credentials-json-file>, --gcloud-credentials <gcloud-credentials-json-file>
32                        GCloud credentials file (JSON) to use. Default: /home/3sky/accounts.json
33  -p <gcloud-project-id>, --gcloud-project-id <gcloud-project-id>
34                        GCloud project ID

We can see all params with default values or allow values. That's super useful. At this point I decided to use the following parameters.

1edb-deployment gcloud configure edbtest \
2  -a EDB-RA-1 \
3  -o CentOS8 \
4  -t PG \
5  -v 13 \
6  -u "admin:admin" \
7  -p rozpozanieedb \
8  -r us-east1 \
9  -c /home/3sky/accounts.json

An important thing about regions. I'm based in Europe and I can't use GCP's EU region. That will be sad if I would like to use it for my client's infrastructure. You know, slower access to DBs, etc.

Another information we need to provide. Username and password. If we provide an incorrect one, our Ansible playbook will fail. Be aware of that.

After this command, we'll get a nice file structure with generated vars, manifests, and playbook.

 1├── ansible_vars.json
 2├── environments
 3│   ├── compute
 4│   │   ├── compute.tf
 5│   │   ├── outputs.tf
 6│   │   └── setup_volume.sh
 7│   ├── network
 8│   │   └── network.tf
 9│   └── security
10│       └── firewall.tf
11├── main.tf
12├── playbook.yml
13├── provider.tf
14├── ssh_priv_key
15├── ssh_pub_key
16├── state.json
17├── terraform.tfstate
18├── terraform.tfstate.backup
19├── terraform_vars.json
20├── variables.tf
21└── versions.tf

Terraform run

The only thing we need to do is this command

1edb-deployment gcloud provision edbtest

We can also use logs command in the saparated terminal window.

1edb-deployment gcloud logs edbtest -t

In general, it's just stdout from running commands, but in my opinion, it's enough.

The whole step time is around 3minuts. In case of architecture code name = EDB-RA-1.

Terraform is greatly implemented here. It created 39 objects(GCP), no errors, clear flow.

Ansible run

Another oneliner.

1edb-deployment gcloud deploy edbtest

Here is a bit longer ~ 14 minutes. Roles install a lot of elements, configure 3 different purpose servers, etc. A problem is a small number of params. The whole ansible collection is quite flexible, but we can't use these features right now. In my opinion, it will be improved. I opened one issue and maintainers are kind, helpful, and responsive.

Final output

After these 3 commands and 20 minutes, we get similar output

 1PEM Server:
 2PEM User: pemadmin
 3PEM Password: WKMYkIndCKUJthOtIOOs
 6       Name          Public IP      SSH User    Private IP
 8    barmanserver1      edbadm
 9       pemserver1      edbadm
10         primary1      edbadm

We can check our PEM server with the above credentials. We can log in to VM's with

I have no idea about EDB products, but the environment looks like working.

Destroy the lab

Do not forget about that. If you finish testing use

1db-deployment gcloud destroy edbtest

You can spend your money in a better way.


The whole process is really easy and fast. You don't even need to know how to run Ansible or Terraform. However, the tool needs to be improved. There is a lot of small bugs which could be annoying. For example, If you made a typo in the configure command and terraform will fail, you can't just delete a project. You need to delete the project directory. Passwords in playbooks are in plain text. Only few region avalaible in GCP.

So are there any reason to use that tool even if we're not EDB user?

Yes, many of them.

  • It's nice usage of Terraform and Ansible. We can learn how to integrate these fantastic tools, and how to use them in general.
  • we can take generated files, modify them, and use them for our infrastructure.
  • Ansible collection allows us to run playbooks without EDB dependences. I hope it will be available from edb-deployer in the future.
  • Tool can show the power of cloud computing in the context of real infrastructure, not hello-world app
  • If we have EDB's account that's a great way to learn their solution.
  • Also it's fun to play with simple, good designed tools